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You are now on the protected reporting platform of EQS Integrity Line operated on behalf of Koniambo nickel.

Welcome to the Raising Concerns Programme

Raise a concern
Check Messages


  • How do I raise a concern ?
  • Can I remain anonymous ?
  • How is my anonymity protected ?
  • What if I use my work computer ?
  • When should I report a concern ?
  • Can I make a report by phone ?
  • Why would I identify myself in a report ?
  • How will my confidentiality be protected if I choose to disclose my identity ?
  • Why do I need the "Check Messages" function ?
  • What happens after a report has been submitted ?
  • Should I be concerned about negative consequences if I send a report ?
  • What if the content of the report proves to be incorrect at a later point in time ?