Our vision
Koniambo Nickel operates a world-class industrial site which operates on the principles of sustainable development and guarantees a competitive cost, positioning it as one of the most competitive ferronickel production sites in the world.
Koniambo Nickel is a rebalancing factor through its direct and induced activities, and generates positive and long-term economic returns for its shareholders, for the North Province and New Caledonia.

Our mission
- Ensure the safe ramp-up of Koniambo Nickel at its nominal production capacity while respecting the achievement of the set quality and cost price objectives, while ensuring respect for communities and the environment.
- Develop the human capital of Koniambo Nickel, within the framework of an efficient and sustainable industrial organization by favoring the training and skills development of its sta
Our values
security -
rigor -
Our corporate strategy
Koniambo Nickel's overall strategic objective for the years to come is to build a business based on sound fundamentals:
- A sincere environmental management and permanent dialogue with its stakeholders, and in particular the populations of the communes and tribes on the outskirts of the area.
- A solid and profitable economic base capable of facing an uncertain and profitable global market.
A posture which should allow Koniambo Nickel to be the economic tool for generations to come in an environment aware of the imperatives of sustainable development.
Health and security
The health of our employees and our subcontractors, contact with our stakeholders, skills development, etc. These elements of a demanding sustainable management framework will allow us to build our safety culture and our corporate culture.
The success of our company depends on the development of methods, practices and the safe operation and according to world-class standards of our equipment and our production units. To achieve our production goals, we are committed to following production plans, maintenance plans and increasing our knowledge of our equipment.
The renewal of the confidence of our shareholders, the rise in power and ultimately the achievement of balance and profitability requires that we be rigorous about our costs and that we organize production at lower cost.
Our news
L'Evaluation des Risques Professionnels (EvRP) est une méthode permettant d’identifier et de classer les risques liés aux…
Lundi 5 décembre dernier, Koniambo Nickel a fait un don de 41 matelas de la base-vie pour venir en aides aux populations de…
Une trop forte pluie à la Baie des Citrons pendant plusieurs jours, et l’eau douce se déversant dans la mer en modifie…
Juillet a été un mois riche en évènements et manifestations extérieures pour les équipes terrain de Koniambo Nickel.
Site en construction

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